Family is spelled S-P-E-C-I-A-L!

Family is spelled S-P-E-C-I-A-L!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Calling all prayer warriors

Okay sweet friends and family, here's where we are: to our knowledge, our birthmother has not had much medical treatment during this pregnancy. She had a checkup back in July and was given a due date of last Wed., the 17th. She lives 45 min. from the closest hospital/clinic and does not have transportation of her own. The agency has worked very hard at getting her to a doctor to be checked. A church close to her was contacted and a volunteer was willing to pick her up and take her, but she was too uncomfortable traveling with a stranger (the agency had done a background check on the volunteer). She has a friend that wants to take her but is having car trouble. It would be so helpful to everyone involved if she could get to a doctor to be checked, to know that everything's okay and get a better idea of an expected delivery time. SPECIFIC PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that this birthmother will get to a doctor or hospital TODAY and that we will be contacted with the results. Pray for her and the baby she carries. We know this must be a very difficult time for her and we ask that you pray that she feels God's incredible, loving arms around her. ~Donnis


  1. Thank you for your comment.....either we are going to TRUST GOD or we aren't......I needed that. Even in this, He is teaching ALL of us. Oh Lord.....let us learn!! Bless your precious family as you step into this new chapter.....LOVE YOU!!!!!! Gail


Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!