Family is spelled S-P-E-C-I-A-L!

Family is spelled S-P-E-C-I-A-L!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tick Tock Tick Tock...

Hickory Dickory Dock, we're running down the clock, please get to the hospital before we go MENTAL, Hickory Dickory Dock!

Yes, Kindermusik comes in handy for all sorts of things! Our BM got her car back yesterday, Yay, but WHY didn't she go straight to the hospital in it? We dunnoh. Yes, we know...God is in control! Okay, say it again. GOD IS IN CONTROL! In the meantime, we're gonna go worship our sweet Jesus at a church my big brother found for us. Thanks Mal! xoxoxo

Friday, February 26, 2010

To Pennsylvania we go...

Friday, Feb. 26th 9:30 pm

Well, talk about we go! No call that BM is in labor, but tomorrow she'll be 10 dys. past due. So, we're gonna head that direction and she has agreed to let us take her to the hospital if she doesn't have transportation by Monday. Yes, all by FAITH and I must admit, we are both very nervous and excited! We are really gonna miss Jacob and Jonah while we're gone. We wish we could take them with us. Could everybody give them LOTS of hugs while we're gone? We leave tomorrow morning (Saturday) at 8:30 am. Please keep praying :o)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Badee badee badee badee....

Thursday, Feb. 25th 8:32 PM
No...the title is not a misprint, just don't know what else to say!! Other than, GOD IS IN CONTROL AND WE ARE NOT. Our BM did not make it to the hospital yesterday; says she has her car in the shop and hopes to have it repaired where she can drive herself to the hospital this weekend. Okay, just how long can you carry a baby before it just pops out on it's own?! This poor girl is 8 days past due now and she's GOT to be miserable. I know because I was 10 days past due with Jonah, who was born at 9 lbs. 5 oz. Well, our prayer request is that the car really is in the shop and that it will be fixed very soon and we might see this sweet baby very soon. (We understand if you're tired of reading this drama...we're tired of being in it!) Love everyone :o)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Today's story...

The story today is that our BM (birthmother) went to a hospital last night, one that her friend chose for her which was not the one she'll be delivering at. :/ She told our case worker that she was there for many hours and the ER physician could not examine her as they do not provide prenatal care. She states that she is going to the hospital (where she will be delivering) tonight and hopes that they will induce her as she wants to "get this over with". Please pray for her and pray that she really will go tonight and that we'll be contacted with her status before we go to bed tonight. ;o) We're getting really dizzy from this roller coaster we're on.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Calling all prayer warriors

Okay sweet friends and family, here's where we are: to our knowledge, our birthmother has not had much medical treatment during this pregnancy. She had a checkup back in July and was given a due date of last Wed., the 17th. She lives 45 min. from the closest hospital/clinic and does not have transportation of her own. The agency has worked very hard at getting her to a doctor to be checked. A church close to her was contacted and a volunteer was willing to pick her up and take her, but she was too uncomfortable traveling with a stranger (the agency had done a background check on the volunteer). She has a friend that wants to take her but is having car trouble. It would be so helpful to everyone involved if she could get to a doctor to be checked, to know that everything's okay and get a better idea of an expected delivery time. SPECIFIC PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that this birthmother will get to a doctor or hospital TODAY and that we will be contacted with the results. Pray for her and the baby she carries. We know this must be a very difficult time for her and we ask that you pray that she feels God's incredible, loving arms around her. ~Donnis

Sunday, February 21, 2010

He alone

"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him. HE ALONE is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken." Psalm 62:5-6

Even though we don't know what's going on, even though we don't know if the birthmother has seen a doctor or not, or how close she is to going into labor, OR if she hasn't already gone into labor and we not know about it, WE WILL TRUST IN GOD ALONE. He knows, and He is our fortress. Love you guys :o)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Still TRUST-waiting...

Still TRUST-waiting for the "gone into labor" call :o) God is faithful \o/

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A different kind of wait

WHAM! That's the sound of the 2 x 4 God hit us with today. We have spent more hours than we care to confess speculating and trying to make sense of our current adoption status. Why aren't we on our way to meet the baby we've been longing for? Why this? Why that? Well, we have declared TRUCE on the whole megillah. Either we trust God, or we don't. God matched us, out of the many who could have been chosen, with this birthmother for a reason. He is sovereign and is on His throne. "Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun." Psalm 37:3-6

So, not only do we continue to wait, but we will wait with TRUST. As Tony and I declared tonight, " Here it is, Lord; it's YOURS." \o/

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Just a little more waiting...

Well, we've passed up the expected due date. But, that's okay. I simply cannot seem to get completely packed! We are just waiting for a phone call that our sweet birthmother has gone into labor, and then we're OFF to Shreveport to catch the first available flight to Pennsylvania. The boys are about to go NUTS! (Just WHO do they get that from?) By the way, to all my very dear friends who are ATTORNEY'S WIVES, please forgive me if I offended you in yesterday's post. I was having a moment and I KNOW that your husbands are the honest, trusting kind; much nicer than the one we're dealing with! Do you forgive me? Besides, if you guys have magnificent homes, YOU DESERVE IT!!! Okay, time to go to bed and attempt to get some sleep. However, I must admit, I wouldn't mind a phone call in the middle of the night. ;o)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


WOW! Now we know ONE reason why attornys have such magnificent homes! We are consulting with attorneys from Texas and Pennsylvania. If anyone knows of a money tree growing nearby, let us know. These peeps are gonna cost us about $5000 more than we expected. Oh well, God has, and always will provide. :o) Keep the prayers coming sweet friends. :o)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Great phone consult today

We had a wonderful visit on the phone with our sweet birthmother today (Friday), our angel. We laughed and we cried and told her how much of a hero she is to us. We look forward to meeting her in person. :o)

All's ok!

Called agency and they did receive a message from BM (birthmother) last night. Everything seems to be fine. :o)

Thursday, February 11, 2010


The agency has been trying to get in touch with the birthmother today with no luck. We will continue to keep believing in God's sovereign plan for us; whatever that may be. :o)

Adoption NEWS

February 10, 2010

Dearest Friends & Family,

We request your praiseful prayers! For those who might not know, we have been in the adoption process for over 2 years now. Well……as of last night, we have been contacted by our adoption agency of a possible match! We do not have a lot of details right now. We do know that the birthmother is due NEXT WEEK on the 17th and she lives & will be having the baby in PENNSYLVANIA!! The birthmother does not know the gender. If all works out, we will be flying to PA next week and will be required to stay there for 7-10 days. Please pray for the following:
• God’s comforting peace for us and the birthmother
• We are supposed to close on our new home loan MONDAY
• Jacob & Jonah – that they will be taken care of while we are gone
To my sweet Kindermusik families: Please be patient with me as we are taking this situation day-by-day. I will be contacting you as often as possible via email to let you know of any class cancelations or postponements.
We will be making all updates from this point forward on our family blog: and on
To be emailed of any new updates on the blog, be sure to become a “follower” of our blog. To do so, click on the “Follow” button in the “followers” section on the left side of the home page. You will be directed to create a Google Friend Connect account (free) if you don’t already have one. OR, you can simply bookmark the webpage and check it at your convenience. :o)
You are all so dear to us and we appreciate your prayers more than you’ll ever know!

You are treasured,
Anthony & Donnis

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!