Family is spelled S-P-E-C-I-A-L!

Family is spelled S-P-E-C-I-A-L!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Jacob's Creations

Even though he's 14, boredom can cause you to do some unusual things! My favorite is the one on the right. What a wonderful be THANKFUL of the cross, and what our beautiful Saviour did for us. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fall Fest 2011

What a wonderful time we had tonight! Such a joy to see so many children enjoying innocent, pure fun! Grant, Jonah, and even Jacob seemed to have a wonderful time. Jacob and Jonah mostly played ball and frisbee. I think Grant's favorite part was dancing to the live music.....PRECIOUS!! We are so blessed!

Love to all!

Monday, September 12, 2011


How did God know? How did He know that this little boy precious would be such a blessing?! He knew; He knows everything! Christian "Grant" has brought more joy into our lives than we could've ever imagined. We have a lump in our throats as we state that this baby is already 18 MONTHS OLD (and is wearing 24 month clothing)! It seems just yesterday we were bringing him home on an airplane from York, PA. He now identifies each one of us: Mama, Dah Dah, Jacob, and Jo Jo (Jonah). He also is quite fond of his Nona and MiMi and Granddaddy. Some of his favorite times are visiting Nona with his Dah Dah, visiting MiMi and Granddaddy, playing with his cousins Lily, Abby, MelMel and "Moby" (Coby). He LOVES hangin' out with his Aunt Jeannie too! He gets excited when we drive into the church parking lot as he knows he'll get to play with his friends and "Peggy" in the church nursery. Music class on Wednesday mornings is particularly a fun time as he gets in the middle of the floor and shows off his dancing skills! He also gets pretty excited each Sunday night for our "H & H" night; a get-together with our special friends. He is almost able to speak each of their names as well! At home, Grant is full of giggles as he gets each of us to chase him around the house! He loves to watch/listen to Sesame Street, Dora the Explorer and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Each time he hears Jacob practicing his drums, he says "Bummm" (drum), and says "JoJo" as Jonah practices his baritone. When big brothers are on the piano, he feels the need to play along too! Each time we get ready to leave for Jacob or Jonah's baseball games, he says "Go go...ball". :o) One of the funniest things he does is call any cell phone he sees "Nona". Because Nona lives about 35-40 minutes away, he enjoys talking to her on the phone. And oh how he loves "pah-ppies"! He can spot a puppy a mile away. :o) We enjoy hearing him "sing" around the house. It's amazing how this little boy picks up words and identical pitches from music he hears. We're excited to see what his many talents will be! He also is one of the most patient babies we've ever seen. We rejoice each time that we see his incredible smile and we look forward to watching him grow and making this world a better place in which we live. :o)

Blessings to all

Tony, Donnis, Jacob, Jonah & Grant

Monday, March 21, 2011

I'm ONE!

It just totally blows our mind that Christian Grant has turned a year old! Where did those 12 months go? This little man started walking on Feb 12th at 11 months old. He's still not real crazy about table food. He loves the jars of Earth's Best vegetables and fruits, and I can't dare forget how much he loves his Mum Mum strawberry-flavored rice cakes! He made the big switch from formula to whole milk a couple of weeks ago and seems to be doing just fine. He also started using a sippy cup with yummy water. At his 12-month checkup he weighed in at 23 pounds. He is in the 60-75 % of all of his stats. :o) He is the happiest baby! He is already trying to repeat everything we say. He is saying "Mama", "Daddy", "Kay-Cob" (Jacob), "Go-Go" (JoJo for Jonah), "Tank-too" (thank you), "Mum Mum", "Ah-ooo" (uh oh), and "dia-puh" (diaper). There are many other things that he "says", but only he knows what they are right now! He loves blowing kisses to anybody and everybody! It's the cutest thing to see; as well as when he hugs his lovey blanket or stuffed animals!

On Mondays and Fridays, Grant enjoys playing and taking it easy with Mama at home. On Tuesdays, he gets to play with his Daddy, or Ms Tina when Daddy has to work. On Wednesday, he gets to have Kindermusik with Mama and Nona B! As soon as he hears us all sing, or the CD player starts, he starts rocking his upper torso side to side and claps his hands...VERY CUTE! He loves watching and being with his friends in KM class. We love being there with him. On his birthday last Wednesday, we celebrated after class by all having yummy cupcake cookies made by Ms Tina! On Thursdays, li'l Grant gets to go with Mama to Longview to an area dayschool where we have more music and movement with his friends while mommy teaches.

Mr. Grant sleeps wonderfully at night, but is not a big fan of naps during the day. He takes naps, but they're usually not for very long. We are going to have some Easter and family portaits made here in a few weeks. We simply can't wait! He is absolutely crazy about his big brothers and gets very excited when we pick them up from school each day! He is already saying their names in the pick-up line before they even get in the car! His Nona and Granny (Great-Grandmother) get pretty excited to see him too! He blesses the socks off Granny's friends at the nursing home! It literally brightens up Granny's whole week when she sees Grant. Nona B seems to have found tremendous joy in having li'l Grant in her life. His Mimi and Granddaddy really enjoy his visits too! Everybody loves getting his hugs and kisses. :o)

Happy Spring everyone!!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!