Oh my word! We can't believe that Grant is already 6 months old! Words can't describe what joy he brings to us all. 3 days ago, he started clapping. His Great Grandmother Louise was the one to get this started! She was excited to see Grant sitting up all by himself and started clapping and saying "patty cake Grant" and then he turned on the charm! A couple of weeks ago, he started saying "Da Da". Now, those who want to be intellectual about it will say that that's one of the first sounds all babies make; but he was looking around the edge of the sofa, right at his daddy when he first spoke it! So we'll take that perspective. :o) He seems to love music (he hears and moves to it all the time). The ladies in the church nursery seem quite fond of him and enjoy his newest nickname. Let me explain. Grant was at the nursing home visiting Great Granny. He hadn't been there in a couple of weeks. One of the workers noticed him and said, "Oh my Lord, he has grown! He's so JUICY!" So there you have it, Grant's newest nickname Juicy!! He LOVES the sight of all of his family, and kicks his feet with joy and gives that million-dollar smile as he approaches each one. Big brothers Jacob and Jonah are quite proud of him, and kiss him ALMOST as much as mommy and daddy do. :o) We are so thankful to God and to his birthmom's incredible love and sacrifice for this precious child. God is good all the time, and all the time, GOD IS GOOD!
May you be blessed today,
Tony & Donnis