Family is spelled S-P-E-C-I-A-L!

Family is spelled S-P-E-C-I-A-L!

Monday, June 28, 2010

No...we didn't disappear!!

To all our sweet family and friends that have been sharing our adoption journey: So sorry we haven't been able to post anything over the past 30 days. Moving with a newborn is a BEAST!! (And playing ump-teen baseball games!!) Also, God spoke to us through a very sweet voice that it's TIME to start adding posts about our other male blessings; so be on the lookout! We love you all :o)

14 Week update

Grant is such a happy baby as he's making more and more sounds, and even giggles now. He certainly recognizes the appearance and sound of his bottle being made, and lets everyone around him know as well!

He went to see the gastrointestinal specialist this past Tuesday. The doctor did not state what he felt was the problem. He had us change from 6 ounces of formula per feeding to 4 and added 5 teaspoons of cereal to every bottle. He also had us discontinue PREVACID, and added 1.5 ml, 3 times a day of Zantac. To help with the constipation, he added 1 teaspoon a day of Miralax. He also wants to schedule an upper GI and a MRI in a couple of weeks.

He loves going to the nursing home with his Nona B (Tony's mom) to see his Great Grandmother Grant and friends. He makes them all smile. :)

We continue to be so thankful for him and can't WAIT for the finalization date in Lubbock July 2nd!!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!